Rooted And Grounded In Love


By Pastor ChyChy Ayodele

"That Christ may dwell in your heart by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love...

And to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God."

Rooted and grounded in love! Can you imagine the quality of such a life... "that you might be filled with all the fullness of God!"

This life of love is one few pursue. But we are part of that few who will pursue and come to the depth, breadth, height and width of it; we will plumb these depths.

To construct such a lifestyle, we must study, understand, apply, engrave and imbibe the word of God deliberately.

There's nothing more beautiful than this life of love. It is a wonder to behold, awesome in glory. It is the very wonder and mystique about the man Jesus who could not be offended. Psalm 119:65 states: “Thou hast dealt well with thy servant, O Lord, according unto thy word.

Great peace have them that love the law, nothing shall offend them. It is a life of total harmony with God and all His creation. Anyone living such a life cannot be harmed, he is above hurt.

Love is a shield, a miraculous realm of defense around a believer. He lives above the pettiness of human strife, conflict and contentions and far beyond the low-life of quarrelling, fighting, insulting, strike back, cursing, hating, etc.

Be filled and overflowing with love. Let nothing and no one get you down. Think good thoughts towards all men and you shall have harmony and balance. Love is the fruit of ZOE. Love is the outflow of eternal life. Love is the inevitable consequence of the new creation spirit.

God lives here, He touches men from here. God moves completely outward from any life filled with love. No selfishness, no self centeredness, let everything you do, think or say be to better another person, to advance and bless others.

Seeing Christ Regardless Of The Human Veil

We're all imperfect. As long as we keep looking at and thus seeing each other's imperfections, it will constitute a stumbling block for us all. Our imperfections are stumbling blocks, obstacles to seeing Christ and as long as we focus on them we'd never see Christ in ourselves; thus never be changed into His image through our fellowship with one another.

We must learn to look beyond our imperfections. Your imperfections pose as much irritation to your brother/sister in Christ as theirs pose to you, maybe worse. And our reactions to each others' imperfections vary.

Tolerance, patience, endurance and forbearance of each other is the stitch the Lord uses to keep us together. Maturity is characterised above other things by tolerance, forbearance, patience, all these are marks of humility. Judge others with mercy as you would judge yourself. Intolerance is immaturity.

And this is His commandment; that we should believe in the name of His son Jesus Christ and love one another. And he that keeps His commandments dwells in God and God dwells in him. And this is how we know that He abides in us by the spirit which He has given us.

A Kingdom Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

This is what Satan, the adversary, the devil wants. Every division, strife, quarrels, conflict among believers is inspired by the devil. This is satanic strategy!
We can remain united and the key is forbearance, tolerance, endurance.

We must endeavour at all cost to live in peace no matter what. We must refuse to be divided, separated, strifed. If it is possible, as much as it lies in you, live peaceably with all men. And remember all things are possible to them that believe Mark 9:23.

Pastor ChyChy Ayodele is the President and Senior Pastor of Supernatural Life Ministries Global in Abuja, Nigeria. She is also a Lawyer, a Gospel Singer, an accomplished Writer and a Motivational Speaker.

The Divine Perspective - Seeing Things Differently


By Pastor ChyChy Ayodele

Prophets see the invisible. They are divinely given insight into the true nature of things. But this insight is not given to them for their personal benefits but for God's people to profit withal and fulfill accurately God's purposes.

So when Prophets prophesy out of Divine Insight, they bring forth divine counsel and secret wisdom which contradicts natural reasoning and logic that minds must be shattered, for the word of The Lord to be accepted. God's wisdom is foolishness to the natural mind 1Corinthians 1:18-31. You must allow your natural mind to be shattered to accept the wisdom of God.

This is why unfortunately, the word of The Lord and of His Prophets is most often scorned, denied, rejected seemingly because they are illogical, unreasonable, unintelligent and unarguable with human mind, schooled, polished and refined by the wisdom of the fallen age which is fallen.

Paul said: “The princes of this world do not know the wisdom of God, for if they knew they would not have crucified the King of glory.” Yet he said that the intent of God for the church is for the church to manifest the manifold wisdom of God to teach the principalities and powers 1Corinthians 2: 6-8.

The divine mind and thought is as far away from men as heaven is from the Earth Isaiah5: 5; this means if you're looking for the mind of God in a matter, get ready to lay aside your natural mind and be shocked as God shatters it with divine wisdom.

Human wisdom and divine wisdom contradict each other at all points. If you fail to grasp this point, you'll never walk with God, for walking with God means going His way, not your way and His way means foolishness in the sight of men.

The one who walks in and by the spirit and lives by faith in this God, whose wisdom is foolishness to the natural mind, always confuses the natural man for the natural man cannot ever understand Him. "As the wind blows where it wills and you hear the sound of it but you cannot tell where its going or from where it is coming, so is he that is born of the Spirit." John3: 8.

Prophets See Things Differently

They have been given divine perspective. So they tackle issues differently. They see the future and make today's decisions and choices based on what they see of the future. They see the end of the matter and live out their lives today from that standpoint, encouraging the Body of Christ to do the same, to believe in the Revelation of the future and align.

The Future Is More Real To The Prophet

He lives in the future; a future advanced in time-frame, ahead of his generation and speaks of the future constantly, giving hope and direction. He encounters issues in the future and by his divinely given ability to transcend time through the realm of the Spirit, he can actually enter into the future battles of the Church, engage in such battles and win victories in the Spirit for the Church before they arrive at the time frame.

This is done in spiritual warfare at a higher level. This is what Jesus did when He told Peter, "Satan has desired to sift your soul as wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith fail not." He projected into Peter's future battles and won the victory. The path was thus cleared in the Spirit for Peter.

When prophets intercede by the Spirit for the Church, corporate or individual, this is what they do. God’s preferred future for His people is such so they can enter into Divinely Destined things rather than Satan’s ordained, orchestrated future.

For Satan have a plan and a purpose for every individual on Earth. His warped, twisted mind tells him he owns the planet and its inhabitants and he writes his own scripts for humans to come and play in this drama of life on the world-stage. But God thwarts it when He breaks through into anyone’s life. Don't try to always understand the Prophet, just follow!

Prophetic Activation

This is a core practice of the Prophets. The principle behind this is the activation of the prophetic dimension, gifts, faculties within each believer into full function so that these resources become powerful spiritual equipment for living out their normal everyday lives in all they do.

The prophetic dimension, gifts and faculties must be activated in God's people so that they will begin to see and hear into the supernatural invisible realm of God, His plans and purposes for their lives so they can execute Divine purposes and fulfill Divine Destinies.

This principle of activation has always been in the church and is the core of the five-fold ministry. The gift or dimension of eternal life was activated in the born again experience. The gift of tongues was activated in the Pentecostal experience. These are evangelistic dimensions fulfilling within the scope of the evangelistic office.

The Preemptive Benefits

Divine health, righteousness, gift of the spirit ministries, divine provision, answers to prayers, divine protection, prosperity, etc, were activated in the word of faith experience by knowledge, confession and faith through Pastors and teachers. The prophetic dimension and all it entails will be activated in the saints by the Prophets and so will the Apostles come to do.

Saul came to capture Samuel when he was having a prophetic activation session. The spirit came upon him and he too began to prophesy and he did overnight! The activation function was so pungent he became prophetic at once.

This is what God wants. Prophets are tools by which He makes His church prophetic. God works through the Prophets to bring His people to a point where they become so prophetic that they no longer need the Prophets; they get connected directly to God!

Exercising Your Spiritual Senses

There are real life situations around you daily that you can take advantage of to develop yourself in God and they are often negative.

Practice hearing the voice using the daily real life challenges in your life right now. Take up serious issues and tarry before God to speak to you, to give you His answer, His voice clearly stated. Check and double check. Fine tune your receptive potentials, sharpen your discernment, your ability to hear. Practice hearing the voice of God and bring accuracy and stability into your life!

Pastor ChyChy Ayodele is the President and Senior Pastor of Supernatural Life Ministries Global in Abuja, Nigeria. She is also a Lawyer, a Gospel Singer, an accomplished Writer and a Motivational Speaker.