Achieving The Holy Spirit Filled Life

By Pastor ChyChy Ayodele

The Holy Spirit filled life does not take time to attain. It takes a decision. No one on Earth but you can make that decision for yourself. A man will always pursue his true desires with decisive actions and labour.

The Holy Spirit filled life is entered into by decision. You are going to realise by yourself that you do not and cannot actually exist as a Christian in the true meaning of the word without The Holy Spirit and this is the beginning of the journey.

Most Christians think to be a Christian means to be free from certain gross sins. So they say, self-righteously, such statements as "I do not fornicate, I do not steal, "etc, naming a few gross sins that in real sense they are still even guilty of in thoughts, words or permission as they are still enjoying observing those who do, (as in magazines, TV, video and music).

Additionally, these Christians may be fellowshipping closely with those who do without confronting them. It may also be as in listening to their exploits in these regards and enjoying it.

However, these self-proclaimed Christians still fall short in many other areas. Christianity is simply not doing wrong. It is not doing wrong by the power of The Holy Spirit and of the new creation and doing the works of righteousness, love and service inspired and powered by the Holy Spirit and by the new creation.

True Christianity is not only passivity (omission), it is also activity (commission) powered by the Holy Spirit. The decision is not a decision to just conduct yourself a certain way by acts of the will so as to satisfy a religious conscience and to meet up to a regulation.

The decision should be to enter a vital, active and real contact, relationship and fellowship with Jesus Christ and The Father through the Holy Spirit. In other words, it is a decision to enter into direct encounter with The Holy Spirit. This is where prayer and The Word come in.

The commitment to these is not of duty but of love. You love someone so much that you want to be with that person endlessly, know the person, be involved with the person, share interests and please the person.

To be filled with The Holy Spirit is not just to have received the Holy Spirit baptism four or five years ago and then claim to be spirit filled. "Spirit-filled" describes an actual state of being possessed, taken over, in the grip of and under the influence and control of the Holy Spirit and this is achieved in degrees.

In other words, if you are not filled by the Holy Spirit today, you are not spirit filled. It is an on-going experience that never ends. Be aware that you can turn on or off the blessings of the Holy Spirit by your lifestyle.

It is a daily opening up to God to be filled anew with the Holy Spirit. That is called "fresh anointing". This should occur every day, moment by moment, every so often and every night. You must be baptised in the Spirit daily. There must be a renewal daily, always, which causes you to increase in your spiritual capacity until you get to that point where you are full, not just filled...

Overflowing with the Holy Spirit

Filled with the Holy Spirit means He fills you to the capacity to which you are emptied of self. Full is not arrived at overnight. It is the result of overtime or being filled by the Spirit day by day, by emptying yourself more and more of Earth and self until you are full, completely possessed and the infilling now becomes an overflow to others... This is called being anointed.

The journey to fully filled by the Holy Spirit begins by desire. Many believers live stale, dry Christian lives, unfruitful, bearing no proof, sign or mark outwardly of any relationship with Christ - the Holy God.

When you look at them, you see nothing of that sweet, meek, loving, gentle, holy and joyful Jesus. They do not exude the aura of Christianity that is manifested to you. When they tell you they are Christian, you would have ample reasons to doubt them.

No one among them can boldly say anywhere that "I am a child of God, born again" because they know that they do not look it, live it nor really show it in anyway. Their appearance from a distance and up close does not portray or radiate the influence and the effect of Jesus on their lives.

There is only one way such a diseased condition can be corrected. This would be through repentance from dead works, carnality and love of this world, among others and running back to the closet to begin a life of active and vital contact with the glorious Holy Spirit.

Transformation takes place there. They would need to get on their knees on a daily basis. They should tarry before Almighty God as one tarries at the wine until drunk, yielding until they are drunk of the Holy Spirit, filled afresh and everyday with the power of the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit would quench their thirst and hunger as they pant for more. He is there to fill them again and again as He gives them a glorious experience again and again as they yield again and again for more and more.
When prayer is a dry, drab and boring routine to a believer, it shows that such a believer is in a very seriously diseased condition, in dire need of a revival that will not come from heaven above but from spirit deep within him as the believer returns to devotion to God and yielding in prayer.

It is the absence of the presence of the Holy Spirit that makes prayer boring and such a hard task for believers. They want to do it without the relationship with the Holy Spirit that is conditional upon yielding. They want to do it by themselves in the flesh. This is not possible.

Yielding To The Holy Spirit

If you never get to understand for yourself what “filled with the Holy Spirit means”, you will never know the Holy Spirit. But when you do, you will be able to yield and flow with Him anywhere, anytime.

When the Holy Spirit is in a believer's prayer life and ministry and any other part if his life, he yields to the Spirit (marriage, relationship, etc.) they would be in no struggle, no rigor, just greased flow... This is called Grace. Then it is fun and glory and you don't want it to stop as time doesn't bother you.

How can you claim to love God when you can't stay in His presence for long. You just endure your prayer time and are relieved when your clock tells you to get up? Nobody can say He loves the presence of God acting like that.

We need more than survival and subsistent levels of Christianity in these end times. A nice little shallow prayer time that does not touch God deeply will put you on maintenance status spiritually.

But maintenance status is no longer safe in these last days because "the love of many is waxing cold", (this includes the love of believers for their Lord and Savior and the love for their brethren).

Inequity is abounding... These shall be plagues, pestilence, diseases, epidemics, wars and rumours of war, earthquakes, men's heart failing them for fear of what's happening in the world and sin, immorality, perversion, sensual entitlements, lustful gratifications of the grossest kind swirling around and dragging away many including many believers in its wake.

It is going to take a beyond average Christian existence to deal with the above. Imagine the level of corruption, bribery, bottom power that will be flowing and required to get a contract, position and earn an honest living within government departments to process requirements, for instance?

Imagine how really difficult it will get for anyone who claims he wants to live righteously to survive in these times without the Holy Spirit. Imagine how dangerous it will be to live in such times, with diseases, pestilence on the rise, violent crimes, rape, robberies, occultism and ritual activities multiplying.

All these describe "darkness and gross darkness" as God spoke about through prophet Isaiah as coming to the earth in these last days.

A New Kind Of Believer Is Needed

These end times call for a new kind of believer who lives on a higher status than maintenance. He lives on the advance mode of spirituality. In such a mode, the believer would be the opposite of what is happening in the world today.

Righteousness would be waxing strong and abounding as the love of God is waxing hot. The righteousness in them would be greater than the unrighteousness and wickedness in the world.

They would be ruthlessly righteous and loving it! Bold as the lion. They would have Faith that will quench the raging fires, stop the violence of the sword, of guns and bombs. They live in a Faith Force Field (3.F ZONE) that insulates and shields them from epidemics and diseases,... It is called Righteousness and Truth.

These new believers would not just be running into hiding from the darkness and praying for rapture to happen suddenly. They would be projecting Divine Light and pushing back the darkness. They would be advancing the borders of light and annexing spiritual territories of human souls for the kingdom of God.

Don't be fooled! Darkness is coming upon this generation no matter what the politicians are saying! Jesus already said it. Things are going to get worse in the world. The only sure place of refuge and light shall be in Christ. "For of the increase of His peace and of His government, there shall be no end!" "And Christ is that spirit (2Corinthians 3:17) and where the spirit of The Lord is there is liberty..." freedom from all bondages coming upon humanity.

This dark future which is coming to the world has been revealed prophetically and wisdom calls to us believers to prepare for it. Prepare for manifestation! This will be the manifestation of darkness and the manifestation of Light.

Those who are wise are earnestly seeking God now, being filled more and more with the Holy Spirit and with the Word in anticipation of the great day of The Lord. The unrighteous are also increasing to the climax of wickedness in these last days. Who shall challenge them? Who?

Pastor ChyChy Ayodele is the President and Pastor of Supernatural Life Ministries Global in Abuja, Nigeria. She is also a Lawyer, a Gospel Singer, a Christian Publisher and a Motivational Speaker.


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