Travails Of Your Spirit Soul

By Pastor ChyChy Ayodele

Fulfillment is of the spirit not of the soul though the soul and even the body enjoys it and feels it. Fulfillment, self-actualisation (the new creation self created in the image of God) is only possible and attainable when the God-implanted desires of the spirit man are released and expressed.

Those who will be fulfilled in this life must reach deeper beyond the material and basic survival and subsistence needs of the body and even beyond the soul’s vain quest into the deeper realms where solid desires are lodged which is Spirit.

When your soul sinks into these realms and begins to discern the rhythms of the Spirit and remains there until such rhythms begins to make meaning and such deep level language of groaning and travails is translated or interpreted into intelligible terms, your soul would have fully understood its quest, mission and purpose in this life.

It would have found the desire of your spirit and heard the cry of your spirit. This for a believer is also the cry of The Holy Spirit of God. This is the groaning of the Almighty God to bring forth inventive genius as He continues His work of creation through you, a co-creator with Him, made in His image.

This cry fulfilled will bring forth the divine purpose, glorifying Christ and benefiting humanity. For the unbeliever this will bring glory to Him or Satan and be of a humanistic order, an achievement of Babel, looking good on the outside but intrinsically perverting the divine purpose. This is the furtherance of unregenerate.

Deeper Spirit

Your body's groaning or cries are for the cries of basal propensities: food, comfort, sex, pleasures, highs, trips and more of this repeated in other forms. It seeks shelter, clothing, it seeks the satisfaction of basic, superficial needs, survival and satisfaction of gross appetites as well as materialism.

Your soul is egostistic, vain and hollow. It craves vanities for prideful display and exaltation. Good clothes, romance and erotic love, fashion, plenty of money to satisfy every whim and win a place of respect in society.

It also seeks power, political, sexual or otherwise to influence and control others egotistically, seeking acceptance, respect and everything that will give it a place in society and win it respect according to the norms and standards of the society in which it thrives.

None of these cravings fulfilled or satisfied can bring fulfillment. As a matter of fact, these are cravings that cannot be satisfied. The soul that pays attention to satisfying these urges will be poor and miserable regardless of its financial worth and will be too selfish to help mankind or significantly upgrade humanity. Such a soul will only bring glory to itself at the most or gratify its senses at the least and then only momentarily.

Unfortunately and most sadly, the majority of humanity, over 90 percent, live on these two low planes of non-fulfillment.

They just live and die. Most live on the first level of body-gratification, working hard to barely earn a living, eat, sleep, have sex, marry, and die. Less even succeed in getting to the souls level of frivolities, vain pursuits and living.

Spirit is purpose. This spirit is supposed to drive the life to selfless attainment. Even when sinners reach this level of desire, they live selflessly and find fulfillment of some sort.

Spirit is objective and purposeful. God is a spirit. Everything He does is purposeful. Everything He says and creates has a meaning, an interpretation, a revelation, a truth, a sense. Everything is objective and revealing in God’s core values.

You are spirit. You are a new creation spirit in perfect union with God the divine Spirit 1Corinthians 6:17. The spirit is creative and the seat of creation and the divine spirit heaves within your breast, groaning to come forth with further creativity, songs, poems, music, art, useful inventions, truths to guide mankind, powers to show forth His praise and knowledge to enlighten humanity, compassion and mercy to help and heal the less privileged, among others.

These desires are not perceived by the shallow superficial; surface thinking and surface living, selfish, pleasure seeking, vanity-chasing majority. Their souls live on the surface, in the distracting plane ruled by external stimuli of all kinds, noisy and full of sensual, Earth originated impulses.

The Soul Must Be Quiet

You will never touch the true desires of your spirit that leads to fulfillment if you consistently live your life on these noisy realms of active fleshy thinking and human physical activity.

You will keep being deceived that you will be fulfilled if you find comfort, a good home, nice cars, good fashionable clothes, jewelry, a nice husband or wife, have sex and erotic pleasure as well as romance or sexual love.

You will feel falsely secure, since you think as if all your basic needs are being met, including financial security, some fame and reputation plus influence. You begin to feel a false sense of satisfaction. But you will never be truly satisfied! No one will ever be! That is the deception that's drawing the multitudes away from God.

Fulfillment is of the spirit. It comes to those who hear the spirit and pursue its desires and its desires lead away from self into love, into God, into forgetting yourself and getting lost and abandoned in higher purpose, vast activities, greater order.

This phenomenon goes over and beyond you as an individual, stretching to satisfy the divine cravings of God and entering into human situation with selfless answers that touch the very deepest and truest needs of mankind. Is this what you seek?

As such, the soul must be quiet. It must seek to be spiritualised, so that it can eventually interprete the language of the divine spirit, decode the mystery with its own spirit and translate it into actions and activities on the earthly realm.

The real soul must come through prayers, groaning, crying, tongues of intense longings, curiosity and questions into the presence of God and soon begin to hear the still small voice that leads you away from you into God and His higher purposes, soon to become your own as you embrace the voice. Soul and spirit unite here, as the Kingdom of God is transferred into the human soul, giving it divine stature and dignity.

In quietness before God, in quests, the mind is silenced after much prayer. In the power of much prayer, in the power of the spirit and meditation, the mind enters the spirit to hear. That's why few ever get here.
Few souls are noble enough to practice silence for their feeble and fickle low-quality souls are easily drawn by the clamour and racket of the outside world as they are led by external stimuli. They are drawn away and never touch the centre of their beings - spirit.

They live in the fruitless, drudgery of meaningless activities, restless and creative. Nothing new or fresh of divine and eternal quality will ever enter Earth through them.  They live for today and die tomorrow and are forgotten the next day. Such souls cannot be timeless for they failed to touch the eternal being, which is the spirit. They leave no legacy for humanity, they pass away, forgotten.

But the divine voice, the purpose, the cry of the spirit rages on within every man. The divine call is calling on every man. It is not a call answered by many with a craving for the superficial of soul and body. Yet such gratifications come with fulfillment, as secondary necessities.

Seek ye first the kingdom and all these things shall be added unto you as rewards or necessities not ends. When you have possessed the kingdom of God which is within you, the divine spirit purpose will descend on you, changing your life and lifestyles.

Such noble souls live for higher things, are of a finer quality and are quiet, satisfied, focused, non-frivolous, resting while labouring, enjoying the highest of life, pleasing and glorifying God, expressing Him and revealing Him and blessing humanity.

If you want to be an inspired genius lifting many into spiritual fulfillment, you must separate yourself from vain flesh and find that cry. You are not here on Earth on a pointless voyage. Your life is meant to be a high energy, high drama, massive explosion of glory as you manifest the Christ in this simple world.

You must find that groaning; find that deeper desire for your divine purpose. You will only be fulfilled by fulfilling divine purpose. For that is the essence of your existence, the meaning of your life.

Purpose is the meaning of your life and only in fulfilling the deepest desire of your being - spirit, can you be fulfilled and find true joy. It is time to get out of self, to escape the ordinary, to enter into spiritual adventure, to enter into spirit.

Now is the future. Enter your destiny, go inside the spirit, pray, seek God’s face, be quiet. The journey begins. God is saying something. Something you desperately need to hear. Something connected to the life of many of your generation and beyond.

Pastor ChyChy Ayodele is the President and Pastor of Supernatural Life Ministries Global in Abuja, Nigeria. She is also a Lawyer, a Gospel Singer, a Christian Publisher and a Motivational Speaker.


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