Holiness - The Beauty of God

By Pastor ChyChy Ayodele

You heart must crave God’s Holiness. The Holiness of God as revealed in His Word. This is holiness that cannot be attained by man through acts of the flesh. No human effort can bring it about. It can only be attained through spiritual means. This is the Holiness our Lord wants to give to us by His Grace revealed in redemption. It is the Holiness of God.

Moses was on Mount Sinai for forty days and forty nights until he was transfigured. His face shone with God's light, he had remained with God for so long, beheld Him face to face until he was bearing God’s glory as manifested on his face.

Moses came back to Earth with the glory and the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone containing many instructions, ordinances and statutes from God. The Israelites hid from his face the same way they hid from God's appearance on the mountain, saying "Moses you go up, we cannot come, we fear this awesome, terrible sight, lightening, thunder, earthquake and dread.

“Whatever He tells you, come tell us and we would listen", the Israelites had said to Moses. They hid from Moses, asking him to veil his face. As such, they didn't get the glory by going directly to God and when God put the glory on Moses so they could behold it on a human level without fear and be transformed, (have it rub off on them), they rejected it out of fear.

So Moses simply gave them the written Commandments, the laws of God amounting to a spiritual letter without divine spirit. In the end, they received it as a yoke, a heavy burden they could not bear.

None of the Israelites could attain the glory of God since they avoided the Lord’s face and none could follow to the laws of God because they considered it too stringent and rigid. So they just lived in religion, striving wearily to obey God’s laws and failing and thus living under condemnation continually. “It is not by power or by might, but by my spirit”, says The Lord.

This is the spirit of religion taking people out of Grace back into the bondage of the laws of Moses. No human effort can produce Holiness. Holiness is the nature of God imparted into our spirits as new creations in Christ and realised only as we dwell in His presence, like Moses did over long seasons.

In order to maintain Holiness, one has to spend long seasons in God’s presence for durations of perhaps days, months or years. These seasons must be repeated habitually until spiritual changes are manifested and perceptible. Because of the forty days that Moses spent with God up in the mountain, the Holiness of God was transferred to him, which was manifested in the glow on his face.

God has already blessed all of us with the power and capability to seek Him in order to receive His Holiness. Standing before God's burning presence purifies the soul, purging it of iniquities, destroying and actually removing from it the very spiritual substance and essence of sin, non-regeneration, dross and impurity.

This is why you must find the manifest presence of God quickly through prayer, then begin to dwell daily, habitually, seasons on your knees, using every given opportunity in your waking moments in your life, dwelling all the time in His Holiness.

You dwell in God’s Holiness not because you are so strong-willed and disciplined to do so, but because you are so aware of your helplessness, weakness, and the hopelessness of your ever attaining true holiness without turning to Him continuously.

Live beyond the veil, ministering from there in high anointing but never coming out because you know that you cannot make it outside of Him and His Holiness. It is a revelation you must be conscious of in your spiritual.

Many preach Holiness as conducts, acts, behaviour you must attain. However, you cannot attain God's Holiness through acts of the flesh. It can only be attained by deep spiritual means, the kind He wants to bestow on us through the Cross.

God's true holiness is attainable by all, including the weak and the strong willed because it comes by Grace. But what comes by Grace is more easily received by the weak because they do not have an alternative to it.
But the religious, self-disciplined, strong willed, including the Jews who had practiced religion for ages, Pharisees, Sadusees, Teachers of the law, Priests and many others are too proud and think they are self-sufficient to accept it.

That's why Paul had so much of a battle with the Jews as he sought to preach Grace to the Gentiles who were generally weak willed, having no history of religious discipline. The Jews and the Gentiles symbolise for the context of this writing the strong-willed and the weak-willed respectively.

The Grace of God comes with Holiness imparted into our new creation spirits and realised in actual communion with God as we begin to reflect this same glory from glory to glory. This Holiness will continue to evolve as a result of changed conduct, not pretense, no hypocrisy but through true obedience to God.

The pathway to receiving God’s Holiness remains the same. Moses’ face started to shine with the Holiness of God as he dwelt before God for long periods of time. Jesus was transfigured as He constantly knelt down to pray to His Father, God. The angels of God shine so bright with God's glory because they are always in God's presence (Matthew 28:1-2)(Revelations 18:1).

We must labour first in constant prayer to break through the veil of flesh abduction and gain access into the Realm of Almighty God, which manifests the presence of God. Then we must begin to effortlessly dwell there, passively in rest as we are transformed ever increasingly.

It is imperative that we resist and fight off the distractions of Earth that seeks to pull us out of there to attend feverishly to natural things by overnight instead of by faith and trust in God and His supernatural help.

This is more than getting needs met through prayers which anyone can get by faith formula. This is the place of transformation in deep communion with God. And once you secure the breakthrough in prayer, you can now just dwell there, until it becomes habitual, enabling you to can carry His presence with you everywhere you go.

Holiness - The Splendour Of God

The Do's in God’s Commandments becomes response to divine function (that comes as natural as your own desire) to do righteous acts, works, pray, witness, fellowship, minister and perform charity as you experience oneness conscious union of your soul with God.

The Don’ts in God’s Commandments become your response to divine checks within you and the sense of His nature (holiness within you), divine restraints in you like your own such as unwillingness, disgust, reluctance to comply with unrighteousness, unclean desire, fleshly excesses and desires, a check and restraints for moderation in all things.

All this because at points of decisions, trails, temptations, negative or positive thoughts that compel you to turn to Him who is within you and abide holding still as He destroys the evil impulse that wants to hold you and free you of its compulsion.

Isn't all this so marvelous? Turning to the manifest presence of God, intensifying your gaze, your awareness of Him at all times. But you must first discover and possess that manifest presence of God!

Pastor ChyChy Ayodele is the President and Pastor of Supernatural Life Ministries Global in Abuja, Nigeria. She is also a Lawyer, a Gospel Singer, a Christian Publisher and a Motivational Speaker.


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